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Sunday Gathering Times

9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

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Our gatherings usually last one hour. We begin with worship typically led by a full band. The music is mostly contemporary with hymns and older style songs mixed in periodically. There are usually announcements somewhere in the first half of the service. Then, one of our teaching ministers teaches a message from scripture for approximately 35 minutes before dismissing. We always have people available for prayer at the end of the service if you find yourself needing someone to pray with or for you. Feel free to wear what makes you comfortable. We are a very welcoming place full of people of all ages, races, walks of life, struggles, and abilities. We’re glad you’re considering joining us on our mission to Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples!

  • Got kids?

We are happy to offer children’s programming at both 9:00 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings for children aged 6-weeks-old to 5th grade. We use GO curriculum for all of our programming. All of our SGOKids leaders are vetted and trained by our staff and background checked. Our security team guards the children’s wing each Sunday. We aim to provide the safest environment possible for our little ones to learn and worship at church.

Check-in begins 15 minutes prior to each service start time. It is best to arrive early so that your family can experience the entirety of each program.